Benefits of Having a Cat!

Friendship – One of the reasons we love our cats as much as we do is on is because we form a bond of love and respect. Mind you, regardless of whether there are minutes you have your questions, your feline is your forever companion! You have yourself a moment…

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How to Tell How Old a Betta Fish Is

Check your betta’s size. Normal adult bettas are usually around 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length. Hold a measuring tape up to your fish’s tank and see how long it is. If your betta is less than the average, your betta is most likely a juvenile. Check your betta’s fins.…

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Healthy Food Choice for Turtles

Diet is the most important aspect for maintaining the health of a long living reptile the “turtle”. Providing a perfectly balanced diet for Turtles is a no joke, it takes a lot of analysis to decide upon it. Turtles with 300 different species are a diverse group of reptiles, with…

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Top 10 Aquarium fish for Beginners

Hai, who doesn’t like to have their own nemo? Do you know how these little beautiful creatures made the supreme power is a blessing in disguise in many ways? They are the most lovable species which also keeps the flora and fauna alive and bright. They provide a great value…

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Fish Keepers – Never do these!

Fish keeping is an exquisite art and it requires some attention from fish keepers to provide them a healthy environment and to make fishes sustain peacefully. We provide you a list of “Don’ts” that will ensure their healthy living. Fish Keepers – Never do these! Don’t use any cleaning agent:…

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