Petslife – Bath has a relaxing effect, relaxes the muscles and cleans the skin and feathers. Everyone knows that birds like to bathe, and that they are in need. Bathing regularly is essential for the maintenance of feathers. With the addition of Petslife Bath to the bath water, birds have feathers more flexible. Their plumage is reinforced and keeps its impermeability to water.
Mode of employment
1 measuring scoop rase (= 2 g) of petslife-bath per 250ml of bath water.
The solution can be given in bains free or using a vaporizer.
– In tha winter: once a week.
– During the season of exhibitions: once on the day before basketing and every 2 to 3 days during the interim period.
– The rest of the time: two times per week. if one adds the Petslife-Bath to the bath water, it should be removed after a few hours.